Monday, June 19, 2006


the **..pot bless** organised in my house was a blast:D...we all wish addriene was back right!...ahaks, rachel lee is..:D are the juicy details;)

Venue: The PanHouse:P
Organiser: Dr. Lik Ee ( PHD in potbless organising:D) thanks likee!
Time: Erm...5 June 2006?..somebody remind me!
main sponsor: ms. Angeline!...for her(7 LARGE domino's pizza:)

here are the photos...**kindly provided by mun yee:)


adri-enne said...

phd in pot bless??!!! LOL cool degree! betta than ptroleum engineering!
yea rae lee was back home in msia... while i'm at d back of my fren's room typing dis post.. sighh...

pizza? had loads of them here..
I WAN MURNI'S!!!!! *cries pathetically at d back of fren's room*

nascaremperor said...

its okies dryn;0)

like i said..we'll mail u powdered cheese nan and teh tarik:)

*encouraging pat on the shoulder

keep strong addriene,
though we know u're addicted to MURNI:P

adri-enne said...

hmph d australian department of immigration will quarantine d powdered cheese naan suspecting it's anthrax virus.

he he he

teh tarik can DIY but anything else.. errrr limited culinary skills