Tuesday, April 08, 2008

STOP GEnocide, STOP The Killing, MAKE A Difference

Everytime you buy a Starbucks Coffee, Everytime you walk into a Tesco, Wal-Mart, Everise or Carefour, 
the money we spend goes partially to funding GENOCIDE in Darfur, Africa.

Be Aware. Be Different. Be a Responsible Consumer.

Please, dont passively support killing. Where is our compassion?


naza said...

JIA HSIEN!!!!! what happened to your chatbox dude? more interesting issue, what happened to your existence? you poofed into thin air....lol...how are you doing dude? still kicking and screaming? nice blog btw. very edgy. do drop by and say hi. sincerely NAZA

naza said...

there were too many dudes in that comment. please allow me to take back one or two

Ken said...

Hey JH,

Mr Ken here. How are you? Was wondering how you were.
Keep in touch and do you have pictures from USA?

Jesus bless you.