Saturday, December 22, 2007

5 Little Things that Make (or Break!) TCU:)

Frog Bytes

A Strangely small but well stocked mini mart* *i wish they had shampoo!

The Main

Our tragically mediocre cafeteria. Once in a while, it blesses us with delicious food:)

Deco Deli

Sumptuous sandwiches available here. Horrendous lines during rush hour:P

Pond Street

Wonderful, sizzling steaks await your feasting; well steaks that await about 20 minutes from the main campus and $10 overpriced:P


Good attempt at serving wok. Far from authentic;)

*lol, i guess so far each description has been listed with a compliment and a complain. Oh well, that just makes me human doesn't it;)


If humongously hungry, this is the place for u:D...try the foot-long meat-ball sandwich, HUGE!

Sadler Hall

If you need to do anything remotely about school official stuff, my bet is you will find it here.
With wonderfully friendly, efficient staff, you will be out of here in no time! (see, i give positive comments too!:)
**tip: try the more senior staff: they are way more friendly than the student workers, sad to say;) (what happen to the adage of the grumpy old woman and the perky young worker?:)

the Student Center

ID Card, ISS, Religious Services, Bus and Six-flag tics, you will find all these easily and get ur stuff done fast:) keep up the good work TCU~


The Lobby is actually a perfect picture of social networking, not studying:P
Wonderfuly inner lobby with sofas(used mostly for sleeping) and piped in classical music** how cool is that! lol..its actually distracting sometimes...uh.....
The illusive, mysterious BAsement is where we get our work done:) (exactly like the cliche: its so quiet that if you drop a sounds like a BOmb!, well until someone noisily walks by or slams the door: our heavy, fire proof doors close loudly:)

*well, you ask why the obsession with fire-proofing? TCU was burnt down in the late 30s, completely. Some say by students from our arch-rival SMU! GRRrr! jk:P...but yeah, we are fire phobic!:P

Moudy Building

Beautifully, aesthetically built by a world-famous, brilliant architect* but beyond these walls, art students work like me i know:)

Winston-Scott & Sir Richardson

So complex and full of mazes that one could be lost in there for a lifetime! seriously, i got hopelessly lost for 10 minutes just trying to get OUT.....crazy....never believed in the dangers of mazes until i entered that building;)

And it is TWO buildings!...u see Sir richardson was already confusing with it's split level floors and weird placement of staircases...but joining it two winston-scott just adds to the confusion with super long corridors that lead nowhere or somewhere obscure:P

Seriously, you don't want to get lost in this building...and....its creepy too at night....One night, after watching a lovely, thought-provoking french movie, the gang spotted a creepy man just staring out of a door...just staring!....beware.....of sir richardson....;)