Monday, September 04, 2006


When you were growing up, you may have discovered that you were passionately interested in some subjects and hobbies that no one else in your family caree about...;)

There is a reason that you luv to do these things. :D

Seriously:D Ok, for my side would be tinkering with weird mechanical stuff like repairing the alarm clock, electronics and high-fi's (even opening up a vaccumm cleaner to extract its powerful magnet:P) , 3D design and other multiple variable interests:)

Now, they ( the interests) have evolved to become wierdly strange:P :soccer, music (composing, tracking, acoustics), game design, human sociology, art/design/photography, and surprisingly, literature and creative/modern writing (like this blog!)

hehe....a little of ma' photography....^:comment yah guys***:) esp my!

p.s. oh yah...apologies dryn for "stumbling" into ur blog:P....didnt know it was for mum:D...u hardly update ur original one so k:) so we wont have to , hehe "spy" on ur mums blog:P


adri-enne said...

well it was my mistake actually; but dun worry, i've removed it from d blog listings so it isnt a click away anymore. hahahha no worries; if it mad u feel any better, i forgive u. *sounds familiar?*

i dun update my own blog cos i have 1 for my mom n 1 4 my best buds from penang. i place updates there more often.

my bro's been in2 photography recently 2. editorial board junkie. my hero steve irwin died yesterday! *mourns*

adri-enne said...

typo** if it'll make u feel any betta..

nascaremperor said...

hehe...noprobs addrinne!

*shakes ur hand and does the prim school twiddly with the little finger thingy;)

whats ur brother's URL?