Thursday, April 20, 2006

Whoa...i didn't know Venus was that far from mars;)

hehe, am i fairskinned ppl? aahhks...been getting lots of comments about it all through my life...though**

technically, i feel wierd cos isnt fair skin associated with gals and ladies? not guys and gentlemen::)

well, anyhow, post ur comments to continue this discussio yea;p

P..S. Gals,,,quit gossiping about me...hehe,,,kiddin


adri-enne said...

dun perasan la!
wat's on d outside is nothing compared 2 wat's within a person.
dun make it an issue la dude, an individual dun choose their own melanin content in their skin. fair skin is nice :)

nascaremperor said...

see ,,even u like fair skin;)..hehe..kidding...i totally understand u sis**

adri-enne said...

dun perah santan *perasan* la uncle jiahsien! hahha my brother also was very fair.. n exactly like me, joined all sorts of marching competition,well s u know our friendly malaysian sun rays- he's burnt now. i got darker here. driving in penang made me have 2 tones under my shirt sleeve- now 4 alternating from jackets 2 sleeved 2 sleeveless 2 3/4 sleeved... not so bad la.