Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Worms Party Rocks!!...worms homicide...ahaks...nolah..for fun one

u guys should try Worms Party, a game u can get up to 8 friends together on ONE computer! and have everlasting fun ;) trust me...full of violence but no gore,just fun:). thats exactly what we did last sunday;)..i thoroughly enjoyed it

5 guys vs 4 gal = guys dominating;p

ahaks..no offense ladies;)


Ken said...

Hey Jia Hsien,

Mr Ken here. How have you been? Have not seen you for some time.

Please feel free to visit my page at: inspirededucator.blogspot.com

God bless you.

In Christ,

Ou Lik Ee said...

Hey.. Lik Ee here.. Just drop by to say hi.. God bless.. =)

nascaremperor said...

:)....thanks guys