Sunday, October 23, 2005

yep...another weeks up;p...headin home this week:D yay!!

ah...this week was abit 'disappointing'..ah..its okay guys:). this morn,,,went to service with 5 hours of sleepp..*yawn(this isnt good!)...ahaks...then went makan with the guys...shui lin's k...thank gudness! dengue didnt haemorrage...yup:lunch: claypot ee mee...we dun hav that in kuching, BUT kolo mee is StIll the bez:)!...wanted to go badminton, but slept again:)teruk!..well.nice ppl ,nice music: who can complain.D...."wow, i watched a play by them today and was blown out of my mind! our nation MUZ learn how to accept single mums, exdrug addicts, prostitutes, even exgangsters and thugs...our church ( the Body of CHrist) muz once and for all provide a place of solace for ppl who really need it...not ignore them and get on with our own lives. i propose 50 percent of our time in service to go to ppl,unbelievers who are the real ones in need,:not us;)