Saturday, April 25, 2009

The signfiicance of Symbols

A word in one language can be so different in another. We've been working on proper punctuation use and I hope she is getting it. Things such as commas, apostrophes and parenthesis are everyday things to a college student but it is hard for someone who has difficulty reading.

Sometimes we get stuck and I try to stir the conversation to another topic to get the ball rolling. I still believe conversing is the best way to pick up a language but reading would go well hand in hand. I have tried to get her to start watching English TV shows but she insists on watching her spanish telenovelas.

I believe that watching other people speak grammatically correct English would help immensely but now that I think of it, not many TV shows have grammatically correct English. Many shows use extensive catch phrases and slangs that a non-english speaker would have a hard time just understanding it. Anyhow, keep going, keep teaching as the saying goes: No pain, No gain!:)